⭕️ We are back. 4 Brain Chemicals That Determine Your Life

plus 25 new opportunities

Hey there,

You ever have one of those moments where you listen to a podcast or watch a youtube video or read an insta quote and you feel so motivated to change your life.

Over the weekend, I had one of those moments.

But first, I have to come clean to you.

Ever since I came back from my speaking tour in East Africa - I have felt like I’ve been in this deep tunnel.

Whether it’s the uncertainty of my visa status in Canada or figuring out my life after school, not sure what exactly to point it to - but I have been feeling so unmotivated lately and doing the bare minimum.

I mean I haven’t sent this newsletter in over 2 months.

But we’re back now! I celebrate my birthday on Thursday and listening to this Ali Abdaal podcast episode with TJ Power came in perfect time for me to get my shit together.

This week, I break down this life changing episode (literally) for you in the hope that maybe it will as much of an impact on you as it did on me.

read time: 6 mins

We have only 10 weeks left in 2024. If there is something you want to work on, someone you want to talk to, a dream you want to achieve - don’t wait for tomorrow.

Tomorrow never comes. 

Start Today.

Opportunities This Week

If you’re looking for more opportunities, check out our living document of 25+ opportunities here.

Deep Dive: The 4 Brain Chemicals That Dictate Your Life

So every time I go through one of these phases where I feel unmotivated and have low energy and mood, I often find myself blaming my life circumstances and the things around me.

Listening to this episode helped me changed my mindset towards that.

It made me realise that how we feel is in way more control than we think and it all comes down to these 4 DOSE (Dopamine, Oxytocin, Serotonin and Endorphins) chemicals in our Brain that literally determine everything in our life.

Unfortunately, in a world of social media, new tech, political changes and so much change, our lives are not designed to cope up with this changes but if we are more aware of how these chemicals work and how it affects us - we can make small changes to help us be our best selves.

p.s: I am not an expert in this space and have not done any extensive research but I am going to try my best to summarise the best takeaways for you to take action.


What it is & How it Affects Us: Dopamine is often called the “motivation molecule.” It’s what pushes us to chase goals, work through challenges, and stay focused on a task. Our ancestors relied on dopamine to survive—whether hunting for food or building shelter. The harder the task, the more dopamine would be generated to keep them going. Today, dopamine is still the fuel for motivation, helping you stick to things, big or small.

How the modern world affects it: The problem is, in today’s world, we’ve hacked this system. Instead of earning dopamine through effort, we get it instantly through things like TikTok, junk food, or social media. These shortcuts give us a quick dopamine rush, but they leave us feeling unmotivated afterward, because the brain is wired to feel good after hard work, not instant pleasure.

Law of Dopamine: Take action right when you wake up. Dopamine is generated through movement and effort, so start your day with something physical to kickstart motivation.

5 Actionable Steps:

  1. Phone Fast: Avoid your phone for at least the first 15 minutes after waking up.

  2. Flow State: Focus deeply on one task for 15 minutes to generate more dopamine.

  3. Cold Exposure: End your shower with 30 seconds of cold water to stimulate dopamine.

  4. Discipline: Simple tasks like organizing your space or making your bed can boost dopamine.

  5. Big Picture Goal: Set a life goal that you’re willing to work hard for. The harder the challenge, the more dopamine you’ll generate.


What it is & How It Affects Us: Oxytocin is known as the “love hormone” or “bonding chemical.” It evolved to help humans build strong connections with one another, essential for survival in small hunter-gatherer groups. Without relationships, our ancestors wouldn’t have survived harsh conditions. Today, oxytocin still plays a crucial role in how we feel connected to others, whether through friendship, family, or romantic bonds.

How the Modern World Affects It: In our modern, tech-driven world, we’ve substituted real human connection with shallow interactions through social media. Liking someone’s post or commenting on a video doesn’t release the same level of oxytocin as face-to-face interactions. Over time, this leads to feelings of isolation and loneliness, even if we’re constantly “connected” online.

Law of Oxytocin: Make someone in your life happy every day - Acts of kindness not only boost their oxytocin but yours as well.

5 Actionable Steps:

  • Physical Touch: Aim for 5 meaningful hugs a day (we only average 1.6!). Hugging triggers oxytocin.

  • Contribution: Do something nice for someone—like buying them a coffee.

  • Eye Contact & Listening: Deep eye contact and active listening during conversations increase oxytocin.

  • Gratitude & Self-Love: Start your day with gratitude. Appreciate what you have, rather than comparing yourself to others.

  • Celebrate Wins: Each night, think of one achievement, big or small, to celebrate. It strengthens your self-bond.


What it is & How it Affects Us: Serotonin is a key regulator of mood, energy, and overall well-being. Over 90% of serotonin is produced in the gut, which makes our diet critical to how we feel. In the hunter-gatherer era, we got serotonin from nutrient-dense, whole foods and from spending time in nature. Our ancestors’ lifestyles ensured their serotonin levels were balanced because they were naturally connected to the environment and ate real, unprocessed foods.

How the Modern World affects it: Today, ultra-processed foods, lack of sunlight, and sedentary lifestyles disrupt serotonin production. These modern habits make it harder for the body to generate enough serotonin, leaving many people feeling low-energy and even depressed. Our gut is no longer the serotonin factory it once was due to our food choices.

Law of Serotonin: Walk outside in nature, without headphones, every day. Serotonin is linked to natural elements like sunlight and fresh air, and spending time outdoors restores balance.

5 Actionable Steps:

  • Sunlight Before Screens: Get outside and expose yourself to natural sunlight before checking your phone.

  • Deep Breathing: Practice slow, rhythmic breathing (4 seconds in, 6 seconds out) to boost serotonin.

  • Whole Foods Diet: Eat nutrient-dense foods that our ancestors would have eaten—fruits, veggies, and nuts.

  • Time in Nature: Spend more time in natural environments—this helps connect us back to our roots.

  • Restorative Sleep: Get deep, restful sleep. Avoid screens for at least 30 minutes before bed to allow serotonin to regenerate.


What it is & How it Affects Us: Endorphins are the body’s natural painkillers and stress relievers. In the hunter-gatherer era, physical exertion—like running from predators or hunting—triggered endorphins to help manage stress and keep going. Endorphins allowed early humans to endure extreme conditions, whether it was cold, hunger, or danger, by dulling pain and giving a natural “high.”

How the modern world affects it: Today, many of us live sedentary lifestyles, rarely pushing our bodies to the limits like our ancestors did. As a result, our endorphin levels are lower, and we don’t get that natural boost. Instead of physical movement, we often deal with stress in less healthy ways, like through comfort eating or watching TV.

Law of Endorphins: Push your body every day, even just a little. Physical exertion triggers endorphins and helps manage stress.

5 Actionable Steps:

  • Exercise: Move your body—whether it's a walk or a workout, any physical exertion releases endorphins.

  • Heat Exposure: Spend time in a sauna or take a hot bath for a heat stress response.

  • Sing Out Loud: Singing, even in the shower, activates endorphins.

  • Laugh Deeply: Laugh so much it hurts—get together with friends for genuine, hearty laughter.

  • Stretching & Yoga: Regular stretching or practicing yoga helps release tension and boosts endorphins.

Look, I know exactly how you’re feeling. THIS IS ALOT. Where do I even start? The reality is, everything I shared above affects us every day in everything we do. The fact that you’re subscribed to this newsletter is already a first step honestly. The way I am approaching this is thinking about the small things I can do everyday instead of making major changes. My phone usage, eating better, making my bed, movement everyday. I am sure once you start making better choices every day, eventually you will be able to optimise each one of the chemicals.

Also I highly recommend watching the episode for yourself. What I shared is only a summary. TJ shares more stories and anecdotes of how you can make things more actionable. Check it out here:

Partner Resource: Guide to Get Paid Work

When starting my journey as a 15 year old - getting paid for my work was the hardest part.

This is why I partnered up with my friends at d’Skills who have spent hours building out this guide that outlines how to get paid work experience as a student.

Check it out here

My friend, I feel so happy to be back writing on here. I have been working hard the last few weeks behind the scenes to make this platform more valuable and actionable for you.

Honestly, I just want to say how grateful I am for you always having my back and supporting me on here. It means more than you know to me - so truly, thank you friend.

Sending you a lot of good vibes from Toronto,

With love,

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